Phonak Charge and Care


Phonak Charge and Care charges, dries, and maintains your Phonak hearing aids. It charges your hearing aids in under three hours and has a separate drying function that both cares for and dries your hearing aids.

The Phonak Charge and Care charger eliminates harmful bacteria present in your hearing aids using UV light, which is part of the drying function.

Advantages of Phonak Charge and Care:

  • Complete charging and care box.
  • Eliminates harmful bacteria with UV light.
  • Charging time of 3 hours.
  • Drying time of 2 hours.

Read more in the description below.

Instructions for use

Model/Item no: 075-0041-12
Stock status : In stock
Phonak Charge and Care
Model/Item no: 075-0041-12
Stock status : In stock